技术特性 Technical Features 国际流行的环保型色带替代油墨,无污染、耐高温 Printing ink can be substituted by intermationally popular environment-friengly color strip with no pollution and fire-resistant performance. 无触点开关控制、同步性更佳 Non contact switch control with better synchronism. 名厂电机、气缸及气动元件,稳定可靠 Electric motor of famous factory is installed with reliable cylinder and pneumatic components. 高级铝合金阳极处理,美观耐用 Anodic treatment of high class aluminum alloy is beautiful and durable. 不锈钢材料精制而成的配件,标准件、耐腐蚀 Components and standard elements elaborately made of stainless steel material are corrosion rasistant. 适用范围 Scope fo Application 适用于各种间歇式、连续式的包装机械的配套打码,如颗粒包装机、纸巾包装机、贴标机等,广泛应用于食品、药品、日化等行业 It is applicable to the auxiliary code-printing of various intermitten,continuous mode packing machinery ,such as granule packing machines,paper handkerchief packing machine,labelers and etc,with wide app lication in food,medicine and daily chemicals industry.